
My latest Pod- Blog on building Mindfulness practices into the way you live your life.
Short video on – Letting Go – if we stop holding on to thinking, situations, people and other stuff that holds us down, holds us back – stops us being the true version of ourselves and live a happy life – we set ourselves free. Our attitude to life is a key part of happiness and flourishing.
#lettinggo #letgo #mindfulness #lifecoach #lifecoaching #attitude
This short video in my Letting Go series – covers the area of our relationship with other people we meet with in life. ⁣

Our attitude to other people and relationships is crucial to our peace and happiness. ⁣

I hope you find this video helpful – and like and share it if you do. ⁣

You can check out more details about me in my Bio. ⁣

#⁣mindfulness #letgo #letgoofthepast #attitude #lifecoach
Sometimes we try to hard when we are meditating – this recording helps us to understand that when we meditate, we accept what is, including the meditation that we are doing. The most important thing is to do it.
In this blog, I recommend a book on Mindfulness – I also discuss the idea that COVID has put the world upheaval and has forced us to look at and adopt new work and life practices that, perhaps we had be considering, but hadn’t really done anything about – for example, the worldwide adoption and usage of Zoom. What changes could this upheaval prompt you to make in your own life. I also discussed the idea of learning something new as a way of mental stimulation and reducing the chance of mental decline. Finally talk about the idea of “habit stacking” which I read about in the book – Atomic Habits.
If you enjoy my pod – blog, please like it and share it with your friends.
I do one-to-one Life Coaching and Online Mindfulness Classes, which I run regularly. You can find me on Facebook and Instagram.
You can contact me on info@declanconlon.ie or my website declanconlon.ie/ or direct message me on Instagram or Facebook
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In this podcast I talk about how important it is to build Mindfulness into our lives. Mindfulness is not just sitting in a chair, cushion or lying down and formally meditating – although this is powerful. You can also build informal Mindfulness practice into how you go about living your daily life. Mindfulness is awareness, knowing what you are doing or what is happening while it is. So rather than going about your day on “autopilot” not being aware – you can practice bringing mindful awareness into many of your daily tasks and routines. So have a listen – think about it – try it.
Check out my website and social media and if you like this podcast – give it a like and share it. If you feel the need for some coaching or training – contact me for a – no fee – initial consultation
You can check out my other podcasts and guided meditations on Spotify, SoundCloud
Email – info@declanconlon.ie
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/123declanconlonlifecoach/
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/declanconlon.life.mind.coach
LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/declan-conlon-7a725312/

Practicing self care is not selfish. It’s really important. This podcast discusses the topic of self care – Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual. If we look after ourselves we can live a full and happy life. Small steps combine into big changes.

Struggling to be me

So I’m sitting here at the computer and I’m just thinking about what I could write today for an interesting blog/post. I’m often envious of a lot of these people who seem to be able to write very interesting blogs, effortlessly, but maybe they struggle too. So now I think maybe I have something to …